Hello world!

This will be my first official blog post. I only promise to put up things here, that I find of genuine interest to myself. I anticipate it will contain many varied posts. On games, computer and RPG. I anticipate it will also have my general thoughts to share with the world on well.. pretty much anything.

From movie and TV show reviews. To my opinions on drivers and peoples that roam this free world. Not to mention, I promise to elucidate on the ephemeral. This is going to be the fertile ground, I’ve needed. To replace the horror of Myspace blogs.

So, to one and all, I welcome you to visit. Keep it civil in the comments. And I won’t have to wield a mighty hammer to smite at thee.

About gorstagg

Life long gamer.
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2 Responses to Hello world!

  1. bobisimo says:

    Nice set-up. Good to see you posting some thoughts. I look forward to reading them.

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